Expressing Gratitude: TAXES (Nobody Ever Said, Right?)
Author: Susie Nelson | Owner of The Cycling Yogi
Before you raise an eyebrow, no, I haven’t lost my mind! Yet, if you happen to be an accountant, financial advisor, or anyone savvy in business matters, you might want to steer clear of my financial advice!
For those curious souls, let me clarify: being the proprietor of a Yoga/Indoor Cycling studio doesn’t exactly plaster a gleaming grin on an accountant’s face come tax season! But before I delve into that, a bit about my accountant (let’s call him “BOB,” for discretion’s sake) is in order. “BOB” isn’t just my number cruncher; he’s a longtime family friend who’s seen me since my days of earning my first W2 at The Point Athletic Club at 15. (That stint was short-lived, as I quickly transitioned to a role as a hostess at Bennigans, where I excelled in hosting but floundered as a waitress who was a bit too chatty and never quite got the orders out on time—shocking, I know!)
Anyway, “BOB” knows me well. When I approached him about buying a yoga studio in 2018, he probably thought, “Oh, how quaint!” and went about his business. Tax seasons in 2019 were uneventful, 2020 was the expected dumpster fire, 2021 and 22 were spent digging out of said dumpster fire, and now 2023… well, let’s just say he’s not exactly thrilled.
Me: “yes, BUT…it’s better than it was!!”
Bob: 🙄
Like, seriously, where’s the line for ‘goodwill’ or ‘PURPOSE’ on your mundane tax form? I just want to break out my Crayolas and jazz up that thing!
Isn’t there more to it? (And yes, roll your eyes back to the front of your skull; I’m well aware—possibly from past experience—that you can’t pay bills with a charming personality and an amazing smile.) However, I refuse to believe it’s all about the MATH!
Why am I delving into this?
Because I’m an optimist. I’m the type who believes she can conquer ANYTHING! This optimism sometimes lands me in trouble (or surgery), but I like to dream BIG!
I’m also the type who can’t turn a blind eye when someone needs help or something needs fixing. I just can’t do it! (To be honest, my family and friends can attest to this—not always with great fondness for this particular trait of mine.)
So, let me explain my WHY!
WHY would anyone own a studio?
WHY aren’t you downing an entire jar of Nutella with a bottle of Merlot every APRIL?
Well, “Bob,” allow me to elucidate!
I’m fighting for a haven where you can walk in, exhale, and just BE. A sanctuary where people feel SAFE, strong, capable, and proud. Where they feel they BELONG.
My WHY is what fuels me, and it’s not about money or profit. And no, it can’t go on like this forever, but until I’ve exhausted every possibility, we’re not throwing in the towel!
I assure you… It’s not about playing the victim or seeking sympathy, and certainly not about boring you with the studio’s financial woes. It’s about climbing onto my yoga mat, raising my head high, and telling all the Bobs out there to take a chill pill!
With Math and kindness—