Word of the Year 2023: THRIVE
Author: Susie Nelson | Owner of The Cycling Yogi
The last few months always bring thoughts of what still needs to be done this year. If you’re anything like me, you might be thinking, “What? How is that possible?” Then you start gathering your pile of sticky notes with all your “good” ideas of things you were going to do this year. You narrow them down to just a few (all the while chuckling at your charmingly optimistic self from 10 months ago—what were you thinking?) and start the task at hand.
It happens every year. I have grand ideas of how I’m going to change the yoga world! I start the year laser-focused (well…for me anyway) on what I want to do and how I’m going to do it. I set intentions, get in the right mindset, and…well, we all know the rest.
I like to start the year with a “word of the year”. Now, I know what some of you are thinking…no, it’s not a swear word (although it’s true that I use swear words quite frequently in my everyday life).
I started thinking about this word in October. I have sticky notes all over my house with ideas of what my intentions, my word of the year, could be.
Last year my word was RISE.
Last year my intention was to rise up to our potential. It was a year of growth for us, a year of stepping into the unknown. We said no to doing what had always worked and said yes to what made our hearts sing. It was a year of humbly serving others, embracing challenges as opportunities, and having a lot of fun along the way. Above all, it constituted a year characterized by ongoing personal and collective.
This year, it’s THRIVE:
Def: to grow vigorously, flourish, gain in wealth or possessions, prosper, progress toward or realize a goal despite or because of circumstances, grow or develop successfully, flourish, or succeed. It encompasses the idea of not just surviving, but thriving in every aspect of life.
I aim to integrate this concept into all aspects of my life throughout the year, be it in my personal connections, professional pursuits, or self-care practices—I aspire to thrive.I want to grow and flourish, not just in terms of material wealth or possessions, but also in terms of personal growth and fulfillment.
Thriving is about more than just achieving goals or reaching milestones. It’s about embracing challenges and setbacks and using them as opportunities to learn and grow. It’s about finding joy and gratitude in the present moment, while still working towards a brighter future.
So, as we approach the end of the year, I encourage you to reflect on your own word of the year. What word encapsulates your aspirations and intentions for the upcoming year? What word will inspire and motivate you to thrive?
Let’s make the most of the remaining month and finish the year strong. Let’s not just survive, but thrive!